The International Platform on Sport and Development (sportanddev) is the leading global hub for those using sport to achieve social, economic and environmental objectives. It is widely recognised as the foremost global platform to "share knowledge, build good practice, facilitate coordination and foster partnerships in sport and development".

What We Do

Information and resources to help our community inform themselves and deliver effective sport and development projects and programmes.

Latest News

Keep up to date with news and developments across the community.

Upcoming Events

See what is happening across the community and get involved with workshops, announcements, and conferences.


Connect with like minded people and organisations across the globe.

Thematic Areas

Learn about the different themes across Sport and Development.

Guiding Toolkits

Use our tools and resources to help you develop your projects and programmes.

Our Impact


Page Views

sportanddev receives over 1.5 Million page views per year.


Unique Visitors

There are over 500,000 unique visitors to sportanddev each year.


Global Coverage

sportanddev sees visitors from over 225 countries and territories, that is over 90% of the globe.


Community Members

We have over 10,000 registered community members.

Our Strategy

Our Vision

A future where sport is seen as an essential tool in international development and its effectiveness is further enhanced by the cooperation of actors divided by geography but united by shared values.

Our Mission is the leading hub for the sport and development community to share knowledge, build good practice, coordinate with others and create partnerships.

Our Goals

  1. Increase the visibility of sport’s development potential among the target groups of
  2. Contribute to improving sport and development practice
  3. Encourage dialogue, promote partnership building and facilitate strategic alliances

Latest Strategy

S&D Strategy Doc v1

Explore More

Our History

Learn more about The International Platform on Sport & Development and our history since 2003.

Our Partners

sportanddev works with a wide range of partners from across the globe, find out more about them here.


Frequently asked questions of how to use The Platform can be found by following the below link.

Our Team


Executive Director