Monitoring involves observing, recording and learning from what is happening. As with all projects, some elements will have worked well and others will not have worked as planned.

Use tools such as surveys, interviews or anecdotes to draw informed conclusions about what has worked.

It is important to note, and important for you to communicate with partners, that an increase in reported instances of harm to children does not imply that child protection and safeguarding measures are failing.

This is a typical trend that highlights the fact that before safeguarding measures were implemented individuals did not know what to do or who to contact.

A rise in reported concerns may mean that the measures implemented are working and individuals involved with your organisation are working towards keeping all children safe.

During this stage it is also important to hear from those that have reported concerns with regards to the reaction and support from the organisation to review the impact and sustainability of the measures provided.

Using audit and assessment tools with different groups at this stage can provide a general overview of areas of strength and areas where improvement is needed.

تم تطوير الموقع الإلكتروني بالشراكة مع صندوق قطر للتنمية