Discuss Recommendation 7 - promote strategic partnerships
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In June 09, the Forum on Productive Youth Development (PYD) Through Sport in Africa brought together participants from various countries and in various capacities - advocacy actors, donors, practitioners and policy-makers. The discussions produced 8 recommendations...

Here, we take a closer look at Recommendation 7:

Promote Strategic Partnerships

  • Identify the interests, needs and values of potential partners and determine how these align with your own.
  • Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine if your organization has the capacity needed to manage the partnership prior to making commitments.
  • Outline your organizational strengths and limitations and communicate them clearly.
  • Manage expectations and outline roles and responsibilities early on. Don’t be afraid to modify them when needed.
  • Pursue ongoing, active communication and strive to facilitate trust so that each partner feels comfortable sharing challenges as well as successes.
  • Promote the transfer of knowledge and skills in addition to finances.

Discuss this recommendation online

Here are a few questions to help animate the discussions below:

  • Considering the highly diversified type of actors composing the field of sport and development, how challenging is it to build sustainable partnerships in this area?
  • How to identify a potential partner in the field?
  • How important is it to communicate regularly with your partners?
  • Should both accomplishments and failures be shared among partners?

Take part in the discussion below by posting your comments!
