New feature: access the latest manuals and tools online
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A new section of the website enables you to access the latest manuals and tools related to the field of sport and development.

The Manuals and Tools page has just been added to the online Toolkit, and will enable you to easily access the latest manuals, curriculums and other practical tools on how sport can be utilised for development. These resources can be downloaded for free.

Most of these documents have been submitted by users of the International Platform on Sport and Development, and we’d therefore like to encourage you to share your manuals and tools with other members of the community.

If you have developed practical exercises, coaching manuals or other innovative methods, do not hesitate to post these precious resources online or get in touch with the Operating Team of the Platform for further assistance.

Access the Manuals and Tools section
To view the latest documents, visit the Manuals and Tools page of the Platform.
