Online Survey Results - the Platform's practicality and relevance
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The survey aimed to obtain information on the impact of the Platform as well as how practical and relevant it is seen by users.

How was the survey conducted?

The survey was launched at the end of January 2009 and was online for three weeks. 139 completed the survey. The survey combined multiple choice and open-ended questions.

Impact of the Platform
The results of the survey show that the Platform is currently used by a broad range of actors, including: practitioners, government agencies, academics, businesses to young people and volunteers.

Almost 40% of respondents say they visit the Platform on a weekly basis, with almost 50% of all respondents saying they don’t have time to visit more often. Over a quarter of the 71 people who answered the question responded that they don’t use the Platform for their work and therefore don’t need to visit more often than once a week.

Over 85% of people say they have gained a better understanding of Sport & Development via the Platform and over 80% believe that the Platform provides enough information about the main initiatives within Sport & Development.

Practicality and Relevance
The News & Views section is deemed the most relevant, with just over 43% of respondents who find it ‘very relevant’, 35% find it ‘quite relevant’. The Learn More section is considered very relevant by 30% of respondents, followed by the Toolkit section – reported to be considered very relevant by almost 29% of respondents.

At the moment, only 31.9% of respondents attribute some of the contacts they’ve made in Sport & Development to the Platform. This could might be because over 50% of respondents haven’t signed up as Team Players. (It’s only possible to contact other Team Players or Organisations if you’re a registered user).

You can download a copy of the summary survey results.

The Operating Team would like to sincerely thank those who took the time to participate in the survey. You are helping us improve the Platform.

Thank you!

More information:
Online Survey Results - user's feedback on the Platform
