Plastic ban: Roles that sports bodies in Kenya can play
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The plastic bag ban provides an opportunity for multisectoral partnerships between sporting institutions and environmental authorities.

With the ban on the use of plastic bags set to take effect in Kenya as of 28 August, the move has been met with mixed reactions from a cross section of various stakeholders. Scepticism and optimism on its potential benefits have been tabled and argued from different sides of the spectrum.

The intended purge of its use is a result of a political process that was put in place back on 28 February 2017 with a goal of reducing its negative impact on the environment in Kenyan urban settings.

Experts on environmental issues have weighed in on the decision by arguing it out on various social and economic landscapes.

Traders and importers have contemplated going to court to nullify the decision by lamenting that it will not only affect their businesses but also lead to unemployment in the long run.

Sports bodies should also join in this process that is bound to get tough for the authorities in its enforcement. Sport federations and administrators can provide the “soft” side of it through education geared towards changing mind-sets. This will be best achieved by creating awareness among children so that they grow up with the attitude of knowing how to properly dispose of plastic in the long run. Through such partnerships, top level entities such as national environment management authorities will not need to work in a way that instils fear through fines and imprisonment but rather be a reminder of a directive that encourages clean cities.

In comparison with Rwanda’s Kigali, as a model clean city in the East African Community bloc due to its use of eco-friendly packaging materials, attitude change stands in the way for Kenyan urban centres in realising what seems to be a pipe dream.

[This article has been edited by the Operating Team].




Social Development through Football Organiser
Ona Ink

