RESPONSIBALL Forum: Sport and refugees
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On the occasion of World Refugee Day, RESPONSIBALL is officially announcing its inaugural forum.

The first RESPONSIBALL Forum will take place on 8 November in Lausanne, Switzerland, under the theme ‘Refugees and Sport’. A main aim of the event is to facilitate the development of new initiatives and allow organisations to share insights on the role of sport to promote positive change. Following a welcome and keynote addresses, the event will include workshops from different perspectives including governing bodies, sports clubs and NGOs. Finally, a panel discussion will bring together key players from the sector, culminating in a shared Call to Action.

Parallel to the speaking sessions, a number of side events will take place, such as roundtable discussions and a football match with a local Refugee Team. The day will also see the introduction of a club auditing system which will allow sports clubs to assess and develop good practices, as well as the revealing of the 2018 RESPONISBALL Ranking.

 sportanddev.org is pleased to partner with RESPONSIBALL for the forum and will provide coverage in our Highlighted Initiative section. We will also be speaking at the event, represented by Marc Probst, our executive director.


The forum offers the opportunity for organisations to purchase booths to share information about their projects. For more information about partnerships or presenting spaces, please contact Rolf Schwery, Forum Director, at [email protected].


RESPONSIBALL, an initiative managed by Schwery Consulting, is an organisation committed to supporting the progress of social responsibility in football. As part of their mission, they highlight good practices in development and encourage knowledge exchange in the sport community though their Good Practice database and yearly ranking



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