Romania: Games and sport to tackle the risk of migration
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Over 200 children are taking part in summer activities organised by the Terre des hommes Foundation based in Lausanne-Switzerland.

Games, sport competitions and creative workshops are set up twice a week over the summer for children in rural communities in Romania. The Swiss-based Terre des hommes Foundation intervenes here to reduce the risks of migration and to increase the protection of the most vulnerable children. The activities are organised in five partner communities in the south of Craiova, where nearly 20% of the Roma population lives.

These seasonal activities are based on a psychosocial methodology. They include games which enhance the sense of collaboration between children, building their self-esteem and sense of cooperation. After every game, the children have to give feedback on what they experienced and how they felt during the process. On the long-run, theses activities aim to help the children feel part of their community and encourage them to stay.

Over 200 children are currently taking part in these activities, thanks to the work of 22 animators and 16 volunteers who are students at the University of Craiova. All the children of the concerned communities are invited to participate. Many of them are followed by Terre des hommes in the framework of its Transnational Action against Child Trafficking* (TACT) project in Eastern Europe.
