Ten tips for campaigning success
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Use these handy hints to increase your impact on the third International Day of Sport for Development and Peace.

Campaigning can be an important part of international observance days, as shown by the more well-known ones such as International Women’s Day and World AIDS Day. Campaigns can take many forms, such as:

  • Building a positive image for an organisation or brand
  • Changing behaviour and attitudes
  • Persuading people to support something
  • Pressurising decision makers
  • Informing and educating the public

If the only ones participating in the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace are those already engaged in the sector, the day isn’t reaching its full potential. Involving those who are less familiar with sport and development is essential for success in 2016.

Here are some tips to help your campaign reach a wider audience:

1. Keep it simple. The more complicated a campaign is, the harder it is to succeed. You can persuade a few dedicated people to do many things but what you want is for many people to do one thing.

2. Be creative. Previous IDSDP activities have included photo contests, petitions, videos and presentations. The possibilities are endless.

3. Prioritise. Set goals and plan what steps need to be taken to achieve them.

4. Collaborate. Include organisations with similar goals. This will allow you to share workload, exchange ideas and reach a wider audience.

5. Target all levels and use their language. Programme beneficiaries, parents, the media, local leaders and national politicians can all help make your campaign a success.

6. Inspire your audience and create enthusiasm. Focus on hopes and dreams rather than fears and problems. Positive energy has a more long-term effect on your organisation and your goals.

7. Remember that many people are motivated by self-interest. Why would someone want to participate in your campaign – what’s in it for them?

8. Think about the Sustainable Development Goals. This year is important for the international community. Highlight your organisation’s role in post-2015 development.

9. Spread the word. Contact the media, speak to the local community, engage family and friends, use social media and share your activities on sportanddev.org.

10. Start planning for 2018. Successful campaigns involve careful consideration and mobilisation of resources. Many campaigns start with a bang and fizzle out due to bad planning.


Senior Project Manager
International Platform on Sport and Development