Upwards and sideways: training local tutors and young leaders
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Eric Adjeyi joined The Beckwith International Leadership Development (BILD) programme as a young leader and through training and experience has grown to become a local tutor. He reflects on the importance of instilling values and practical knowledge to young leaders during a recent workshop in Ghana. 

Introducing new concepts

During the training delivered by BILD, in partnership with the London 2012 legacy programme, International Inspiration, participants were introduced to the Olympic and Paralympic values. Eric describes one of the games used to increase cross-cultural awareness and promote friendship: “With participants from different communities, each had to go around with a bingo card and ask questions like 'Where have you traveled?’ and ‘What kind of food do you prepare?’ this gave learners the opportunity to hear about different ways of life.”

Taking skills to the field
Young leaders were given the opportunity to practice their new skills at the end of the training, by organising their own sports festival. Festival Manager and young leader, Amina, says, “This training has taught not only me, but all of us a lot of things, how to manage, how to plan and all of this we will bring to the field tomorrow.”

Local tutor, Beatrice Owusu, believes the training is a great example of developing skills through sport, “It’s interesting how young leaders are taking the pressure. Today they are not just thinking but also putting down preparatory plans. I can see a lot of action!”

Training is twofold
As local tutors are responsible for leading these sessions, Eric believes the training was “Upwards and sideways. It has helped learners understand the cross-cultural values associated with sport and helped tutors decide the over direction of local sessions, with the opportunity to improve our performance as tutors.”

UK Sport and Ghana have an established relationship through the Beckwith Institute of Leadership Development (BILD) project, which began in 2010 and continue to support the delivery of on-going training to ensure the creation and implementation of high quality sustainable sport.  
