Sport & Citoyenneté - Issue n°28, Sept./Oct./Nov. 2014
Letter from the editorial team

Adapting to a changing world- it sounds like a slogan, but it sums up the challenge facing the world of sport today. With longer life spans, more and more leisure time, energy transition, towns spreading outwards, new technologies and so on, our societies are already experiencing the impact of certain trends on our daily life and this means that all the stakeholders, both public and private, need to imagine the sport of tomorrow with a new eye.

This forward-looking vision will have to tackle the questions of health and the environment. These two notions, which we have decided to look at together in the special focus, redefine how we practise, how we look at and how we use sport.

When people who do sport are asked about their motives, one of the reasons most often given is health and the pursuit of well-being. It is a thriving market, with new things happening every day. As levels of physical activity are still well below World Health Organisation recommendations, promoting sport-health is also a major issue for governments and a potential source of development for the sport movement.


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