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United Nations

Recognising the potential of sport as a valuable tool in the achievement of peace and development, the 70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution reaffirming the efficiency of sport in promoting dialogue and reconciliation in areas of conflict.

The resolution entitled “Building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal” urges member states to observe the Olympic Truce from the seventh day before the start of the XXXI Olympic Summer Games next August, until the seventh day following the end of the XV Paralympic Summer Games next September — both to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

It also calls for cooperation among member states, the United Nations system and the International Olympic and Paralympic Committees to maximise the potential of sport in contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and encourages the Olympic and Paralympic movements to work closely with national and international sports organisations on the use of sport to that end.

[This article has been edited by the Operating Team]



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16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions.
10 – Reduced inequalities
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UN Publications
39.83 KB, pdf


All countries
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Sustainable Development Goals
16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions.
10 – Reduced inequalities
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