Please come and join the discussion, and share your own experience and insights, with a group of select organisations from around the world working in the field of sport for development (S4D)* and disability.


On Friday 13th April at 2pm BST (UK) we are hosting a 2-hour interactive webinar (online workshop) that will explore what is an inclusive activity in relation to S4D and disability programmes around the world.

On the webinar, we will look at inclusivity through the lens of Universal Design, “a framework for the design of places, things, information, communication and policy, that can be usable by the widest range of people operating in the widest range of situations – without special or separate design.” (Institute for Human Centered Design (2015b, para. 1). You can read more about Universal Design here.

Background to the webinar

The webinar is the first in a series of six interactive webinars in 2018 that will bring together practitioners, funders and researchers working in the global field of S4D and disability to share their experience and insights. Each of the webinars will explore a different topic related to S4D and disability through guided discussions and exercises, with a focus on exploring the commonalities and differences in S4D and disability work around the world. The information generated from the webinars, will be used to develop and refine a new theory of change (ToC) for S4D and Disability, that will be publicly available as a resource in the S4D sector. There is also the potential, to pull together the learning from the 6 webinars, into a journal article at the end of the year to share learning more widely. You can find out more in our 1-page summary here.

Who can join the webinar?

The webinars are open to any individuals or organisations working in the field of S4D and disability. To join the discussion and debate, please click on the link in the table above to register and join the first webinar.

Event Details

13 Apr 2018 - 14 Apr 2018
14:00 - 13:45, CEST
United Kingdom

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