Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps has utilised sport as a vehicle for complementing global humanitarian aid and development objectives for a number of years. However, only since 2006 has Mercy Corps looked to a sport-based approach to increase young people’s HIV/AIDS knowledge and protective attitudes in a more rigorous way, coupled with an increased emphasis on comprehensive monitoring and evaluation. This is based partly on the growing recognition within the HIV/AIDS sector that sport for development approaches can achieve significant HIV prevention goals. Additionally, within the sport for development field, there is also increasing recognition of its potential to develop effective youth HIV/AIDS programmes.

Against this background, this document encourages practitioners to develop programmes that have non-sport, HIV/AIDS-related outcomes as their primary objectives. This document considers two programmes – the Yes To Soccer programme in Liberia, and the Sports for Peace and Life programme in southern Sudan – that use mentors to lead youth in prevention methods. A number of lessons learned through these two programmes provide valuable insight into developing future sport-based youth HIV/AIDS programmes elsewhere. This document provides useful tools and recommendations intended to contribute to the developing body of knowledge on promising practices within sport-based youth HIV/AIDS programming.

Abstract adapted from the author




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