UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the UK Department for International Cooperation

This paper analyses the role of sport in tackling AIDS primarily in Africa. The case studies in this paper demonstrate the potential of sport and its capacity to embody many of the essential policy actions for HIV prevention and describes initiatives that build and maintain leadership, equity, supports the empowerment of young women and men and promotes knowledge of transmission and prevention.

These programmes are based on the principles of mobilising community based responses and targeting the HIV prevention needs of key vulnerable groups. This paper identifies the main ways in which sport can be used to tackle AIDS including using sports programmes and activities as a way to engage young people and provide a platform for education and information about HIV and AIDS.

Various approaches are considered in greater detail and examples highlighted where they are being successfully put into practice. It also reviews the existing evidence supporting sports interventions and identifies where additional research and evaluation is needed.

[Abstract adapted from the author]



Football (Soccer)

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Football (Soccer)

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