IWG World Conference on Women and Sport Theme 5: Sport without borders
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How partnerships across sectors, cultures and nations can benefit women’s sport.

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 is to “strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development”. According to the UN, creating partnerships that share visions and goals is vital at all levels of development, from local to global. The same is true in the sport sector, as partnerships play a key role in expanding sport and development’s outreach, providing opportunities and sharing methods and strategies between organisations.

This week’s conference will gather many perspectives on how to promote collaboration to advance women’s sport. Developing programmes to target SDGs are a crucial part of the message, with several sessions focusing on how sport can help achieve these goals. For example, conference participants will hear from representatives of the Global Goals World Cup, as well as from the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education and the SCORE project led by ENGSO and supported by the Erasmus+ Sport Programme.

Partnerships in sport can also diversify the sector. For example, speakers will discuss joint efforts between non-sport entities through social entrepreneurship. Sessions will also address how collaboration can create pathways to reach marginalised communities and create opportunities for social integration.

Sport serves as a great tool to build partnerships, due to its global reach and capacity to connect people across cultures. This collaboration can create new avenues for leadership and ultimately bring about transformation in women’s sport and beyond.



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