2014 EASM Conference

The theme for the EASM 2014 conference is "Social and Commercial Impact of Sport". Legacy is becoming an increasingly crucial issue when organising major sport events and was at the core of London bid to organise the 2012 Olympic Games, of which Coventry was a co-host city.
Two years after the Games, what has been their actual impact? More generally this theme invites participants to think of how the social and commercial impacts of sport create special issues and challenges for sport managers, from local amateur sport clubs to international mega-events. With a mix of scientific and professional contributions, prestigious key note speakers and an exciting social programme, the 22nd EASM Conference in Coventry will be the perfect place for sport management academics and practitioners to exchange ideas, discuss and network.
In addition to the sessions, 13 workshops will be held in parallel on a range of topics:
Workshop A: Benchmarking and financial valuation in sports
Workshop B: Disability and Paralympic Sport
Workshop C: Drugs in Sport: Current Issues and Challenges for Sport Management
Workshop D: Knowledge Sharing: From Europe to China and Back
Workshop E: Media democratisation, impact and sport events
Workshop F: Mega-events: Delivering legacies?
Workshop G: Corporate social responsibility in and through sport
Workshop H: Sport-for-development: Exploring global and local futures [sportanddev.org will be offering live streaming of all Workshop H seminars here!]
Workshop I: UEFA’s ‘Euro for Europe’: The way forward or just an anniversary model?
Workshop J: Volunteering in Sport Organizations: Responding to a Changing Landscape
Workshop K: Elite sport organization and management for world class performance
Workshop L: Dynamic ticket pricing in sport
Workshop M: Information, Knowledge Creation and Innovation Management in Sport
The programme includes paper presentations, poster presentations, plenary sessions and activities. Parallel sessions and workshops will be held across three days, scheduled according to a morning programme (10.30-12.00), afternoon programme (14.30-16.00) and evening programme (16.30-18.00) everyday.
Please register via the EASM Conference website here to attend this event. Deadline to register: 1 August 2014