The International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport (MINEPS) is a forum that facilitates intellectual and technical exchange in the field of physical education and sport and serves as an institutional mechanism for a coherent international strategy in this domain.

It is the only global platform of its kind, engaging governments, intergovernmental organisations, the sport movement, academia and specialised NGOs. The outcomes and recommendations of MINEPS are continuously strengthening the educational, cultural and social dimensions of physical education and sport while guiding the implementation of effective policies and practices around the world.

MINEPS conferences have been organised by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) since 1976.

Main themes and sub-topics of MINEPS VI

The Conference agenda is structured around three main themes, including specific sub-topics that will be further specified during the preparatory process:  

  • Theme I:  Developing a comprehensive vision of inclusive access for all, including national sport strategies and plans; the cooperation between public authorities, sports organisations and other stakeholders; gender equality; non-discrimination; quality physical education.
  • Theme II:  Maximizing the contributions of sport to sustainable development and peace, including physical activity and health; social inclusion; values and civic education; youth empowerment; national cohesion; urban planning; indigenous & traditional games; sport in post-conflict settings; major sport events; sport & ecology/climate change; sport and economic development.
  • Theme III:  Protecting the integrity of sport, including good governance of sports organisations; fight against the manipulation of sports competitions; fight against doping; protection of participants, spectators and workers; child protection; fight against sexual exploitation and misconduct; prevention education and awareness rising.

Visit the event website for more information.


Event Details

13 Jul 2017 - 15 Jul 2017
All day, CEST

Upcoming Events

14:00 - 17:00, SAST
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13:00 - 14:00, SAST
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