Sport for Employability
The Sport for Employability course is particularly designed for S4D practitioners, who already have S4D experience.
The course provides practitioners with an introduction to using sports as a tool for enhancing employment opportunities for young people, specifically exploring the relation of S4D activities with the Sustainable Development Goal No. 8. Participants will learn how S4D projects leverage sport activities to improve key life skills of young people that will increase their chances to find employment afterwards.
The course is crafted with an interactive approach, featuring practical exercises and breakout sessions. Active participation in group discussions and exercises is a requirement for a fulfilling learning experience.
Learning Goals
- Gain a deeper understanding on the concept of employability and the related competency model.
- Enhance knowledge on tools and method that can be used in the field of Sport for Employability
- Gain insight into best practice examples of Sport for Employability approaches from different world regions
- Reflect on the chances and limitation of S4D activities to contribute to an improvement of the employment situation in a given context.
Course Leader: Dina Farid