Twitter Q&A: How can sport be used to address challenges faced by refugees?
sportanddev and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, will stage a Twitter Q&A with Jojo Ferris, Head of the Olympic Refuge Foundation on Thursday, 24 September.
The live question and answer session is part of sportanddev’s Week of Action on Sport and Refugees, which is delivered as a part of a partnership with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.
It will commence at 14:00 CEST and last for one hour, with Jojo answering five key questions on the subject. One question will be tweeted every 10 minutes, with Jojo tweeting her responses.
Organisations or people working in this field are then invited to join the live conversation – sportanddev encourages you to add your own answers, questions or comments, and we will share some of the best responses.
Anyone joining the debate is requested to:
- Let us know which question you are answering by adding the relevant prefix to your answer, e.g. A1 for Q1, or A3 for Q3.
- Make sure you use the hashtag #SportAndRefugees in every comment, so that everyone can see your tweets.
- Remember to add links, images and videos to your answers.
Please help to promote the Twitter Q&A by using the hashtag #SportAndRefugees and we look forward to welcoming you to the debate!