Nominations Open For 2024 JSFD Early Career Scholar Award
We are pleased to announce the fourth annual call for nominations for the “JSFD Early Career Scholar Award,” to be awarded to an early career JSFD author in recognition of significant scholarly contributions to the sport for development field. The winner of the award will be recognized online and in a newsletter shared with all JSFD followers.
- The award is open to all authors of JSFD who have received a terminal degree within the previous eight years of the award year (i.e., for 2024, an individual would have had to receive their terminal degree between 2016 and 2023).
- Individuals must be single or coauthors (first authorship not required) of at least one publication in JSFD, including publications that are “accepted” or “in press” on/before the award deadline (May 1, 2024).
- Applicants may also make the case for nomination on contribution to SFD policy and/or practice.
- In case of SFD policy and/or contribution to practice reform, the role, responsibilities, and contribution of the candidate should be clearly described in the documentation.
- Individuals may only apply for the award a maximum of two times; if an individual receives the award, they are no longer eligible to apply in future rounds.
- An individual shall be considered for the award if they meet the above criteria and submit the following documents by May 1, 2024:
- For self-nominations:
- A one-page, single-spaced letter from the candidate outlining their research line(s) and accomplishments in the sport for development field to date, as well as anticipated future contributions to the field.
- A one-page, single-spaced supporting letter outlining the candidate’s research line(s) and accomplishments to date in the sport for development field, as well as anticipated future contributions to the field.
- For external nominations:
- A two-page, single-spaced letter of nomination outlining the nominee’s research line(s) and accomplishments in the sport for development field to date, as well as anticipated future contributions to the field.
- A brief statement from the candidate accepting this nomination.
- For all nominations:
- A copy of the candidate’s most recent curriculum vitae or resume.
- Copies of all JSFD publications for which the candidate is an author.
- Description of the candidate’s role/contribution if any of these publications are co-authored.
- For self-nominations:
- A JSFD Early Career Scholar Award Committee of up to six members and a chair
will be formed to assess all nominations. - The criteria for evaluation shall include publication record in JSFD and other outlets, along with additional scholarly and applied contributions to the sport for development field. This includes:
- Scholarly and applied journal articles, books, monographs, research reports, and online publications;
- Scholarly and applied presentations, invited plenaries, and/or keynote addresses;
- Public and program/intervention engagement;
- The development of other relevant research outputs;
- Awards the candidate may have received; and
- Activities that may have influenced SFD policies and practice.
- Overall, evidence for this distinction should demonstrate the practical relevance and theoretical/scholarly contribution of the work.
- Since productivity by itself does not necessarily lead to a distinguished record, evidence of the influence of research-related outputs should be provided (particularly as it relates to policy and practice).
- In all cases, the work of the candidate should demonstrate excellence in scholarship as it relates to the sport for development field.
- The review process will be open and transparent. This entails initial screening for eligibility by JSFD, followed by at least two members of the JSFD Early Career Scholar Award Committee reviewing each submission. Candidates with the highest scores will be shortlisted, entering a second round of review. These finalists will then be reviewed by the Award Committee Chair and all Award Committee members.
- Any member of the Award Committee who has worked closely with a particular candidate will declare a conflict of interest, with another Award Committee member then conducting the initial review to ensure at least two members of the Award Committee review each submission.
- JSFD Early Career Scholar Award Committee members, JSFD Co-Editors, JSFD Advisory Board members, and the JSFD Managing Editor are ineligible from being nominated for this award.
Application Process
The application documents should be submitted to [email protected] as one PDF (including external letters) with the subject line “JSFD Early Career Scholar Award” by 1 May 2024.
Please send any questions to [email protected].
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