30th ACHPER International Conference

The 30th ACHPER International Conference, Participating in an Active and Healthy Life: Valuing the Participant Voice has enormous national and international appeal. This event has already attracted high quality keynote speakers from overseas and Australia and promises to be a showcase of contemporary and future focused ideas. This is a must attend event for all health and physical education professionals, sports and other industry stakeholders.
The conference is taking place over three days from 16-18 January 2017 at the University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia. This is an opportunity for delegates to consider the participation of children and young people in schools and communities, ensuring they have a voice, feel valued and make a difference.
Call for Papers/Presentations Close on Friday July 29, 2016
The 30th ACHPER International Conference Program Committee invites abstract submissions for paper presentations, workshops/ interactive sessions, posters/ exhibits, lightning talks and or colloquia addressing one of the following themes:
• Focus on educative purposes
• Take a strengths‐based approach
• Value movement
• Develop health literacy
• Include a critical inquiry approach
• Sport and recreation pedagogies
To submit your abstract or for further details about the submission process, visit the website or please contact us at [email protected]. Papers/ posters can be considered for the Early Career Researcher Award, Young Scholar Award and the Academic Poster Award.
Registration now open
Registration is now open for the 30th ACHPER International Conference! To find out more information about registration fees and to register online, please visit the conference website.
ACHPER looks forward to welcoming you to Canberra in January 2017.