Call for articles: Sport and the environment
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Football for the SDGs
What is the relationship between sport and the environment? What role can sport play in promoting environmental awareness and education? What is the relationship between sport and climate change? We want to hear from you!

Spotlight on sport and the environment

With support from Swedish Postcode Foundation, sportanddev is launching a campaign on sport and the environment. We aim to strengthen awareness, knowledge, debate and dialogue on the topic. 

We will also publish a website section and organise a webinar on the topic in the coming months. 

Call for articles

We are inviting you to submit articles on the relationship between sport and the environment. You can contribute on behalf of an organisation highlighting how you are tackling the issue or as an individual sharing your views. We are open to receiving articles on a range of subjects, but some questions to consider are below. 

  • How does your organisation promote learning about the environment (such as waste/litter, ecosystem, carbon footprint, conservation, climate change, etc.) in sport for development programming?
  • What role can sport play in combating threats to conservation and the environment?
  • How can sport support sustainability and contribute to the environment-related Sustainable Development Goals?
  • How should sport for development organisations connect with policy processes such as Sports for Climate Action and the Sport for Nature Framework?
  • In what ways have the sports industry or sporting events had a negative impact on the environment? What are some solutions?
  • How can athlete voices bring attention to environmental topics?
  • How can major sporting events reduce their carbon footprint? 
  • What are two to three challenges that you confront when working on the relationship between sport and the environment? How do you seek to overcome these challenges?
  • What information and resources would be useful in your work to help you to address environmental issues?
  • What are two to three innovative ideas, tips, solutions or recommendations you would like to share and pass on to others? 
  • Are sport for development organisations doing enough to address environmental issues in their programmes? How can a wider variety of organisations be encouraged to prioritise them?
  • What do you see as future opportunities for addressing environmental issues in and through sport?

Contributors are free to explore other questions in addition to those listed.


  • Send your contributions in English or French to [email protected]
  • Deadline: 31 March 2023.

Articles should:

  • Be 500-1,000 words long
  • Include a relevant photo in landscape (horizontal) orientation. You should either own the copyright for the photo or share one that is subject to a Creative Commons license. The photo must be accompanied with a credit and caption. If you do not have a picture, we will attempt to source one
  • Include a 1-2 sentence biography of the author(s)
  • Include links to any websites, Twitter profiles or Facebook accounts you would like associated with the post
  • Not be promotional or press releases but rather share learning


مدير المشاريع
International Platform on Sport and Development


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Sustainable Development Goals
6 - Clean water and sanitation
11 - Sustainable cities and communities
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
13 - Climate action
14 - Life below water
15 - Life on land
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