Call for inputs: United Nations Report on Human Rights in Sport

Human Rights Council Resolution 54/25 requests the High Commissioner to present a report on the progress made in the implementation of the resolution.
Key Areas for Input
States, sports bodies, national human rights institutions, civil society organisations, UN entities and other stakeholders are invited to submit information on issues of relevance to the implementation of Human Rights Council resolution 54/25. The following areas are a non-exhaustive guide:
- Experiences and good practices in fighting all forms of racism and racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, including religious intolerance, in sport and in promoting integration and intercultural dialogue in and through sport.
- Actions, measures and programmes by States to eradicate and eliminate racism in sports and to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, including anti-racism initiatives and disciplinary codes that impose sanctions for these acts.
- Practical measures and policies by international sporting bodies aimed at combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in sport, including the development and promotion of codes of conduct against racism in sport for clubs and sports associations.
- Initiatives on partnering and collaborating with grass-roots organizations, to develop and finance awareness-raising campaigns and other action aimed at preventing and combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in sport.
- The role of media in reporting on how sport can translate into respect for human rights and promote social cohesion, equality and acceptance of diversity and the values of sport, including integrity, teamwork, excellence, respect, tolerance, fair play and friendship.
- Concrete measures to prevent racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance by host countries of major sporting events, including the biggest and most impactful mega events, including through campaigns aimed at sensitizing a wide public on the eradication of these scourges.
How inputs will be used?
To inform the preparation of the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to the Human Rights Council at its 60th session, pursuant to Human Rights Council Resolution 54/25.
Next Steps
Input/comments may be sent by e-mail. They must be received by 14 February 2025 00:00 (Geneva time).
Email address: [email protected]
Email subject line: Input for the HC report pursuant to HRC RES 54/25
Word/Page limit:
2500 words / 5 pages
Accepted file formats:
Accepted Languages:
English, French, Spanish, Arabic