Call for papers: Global South voices on sport for development and peace

According to Schulenkorf et al. (2016), ‘although the majority of SFD projects are carried out in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, 90% of SFD authors are based in North America, Europe, and Australia’ (p.1). This data poses a serious question for everyone in the field: where are the SFD Global South voices? How can we make sure that they are listened to in the process of actively analysing and improving these projects? This book aims to precisely address this gap in the literature. Thus, researchers, administrators, volunteers, participants and promoters of projects and programs linked to the SDP field in the Global South are invited to submit proposals of chapters to this book.
It is our intention that this book will raise the voices of relevant and critical experiences carried out in a range of countries that belong to the ‘Global South’. More importantly, the book aims to highlight the practices and theories created by people who belong to the communities where these sporting experiences have been taking place in the past decades, whose critical reflections and experiences are yet to gain systematic attention in the international academic and practitioner’s communities in the English language. Views of diverse stakeholders, participants, promoters, teaching staff, and other actors that have been difficult to access for researchers who do not usually speak Portuguese, Spanish, Hindi, several African and Asian languages, among other languages, are expected to be found in the book. Theoretical and comparative issues hitherto little explored or little known due to linguistic and cultural matters also may receive attention in this book. If you identify yourself with the previous text, you are a potential chapter author in this book.
Here it seems to be important to clarify that this book also aims to highlight perspectives of knowledge that may come to question, contradict or conflict with the dominant set of knowledge in the field, contributing to its decolonizing process (Ndlovu-Gatsheni, 2013; Quijano, 2000). For Asher, ‘eurocentric modernity obscures the specificities’ of race and place, and invisibilized other epistemes to masquerade as universal and total’ (2013, p. 832); in turn this book intends to offer an opportunity to Global South authors to give visibility to issues as epistemes, cases, perspectives, and specificities identified with their places. This book initiative can also be a chance for researchers, editors and publishers located in the Global North to ‘step outside of their privileged positions and challenge research that conforms to the guidelines outlined by the colonial power structure and root their work in the politics of decolonization and anticolonialism’ (Simpson, 2004, p. 381). Thus, we are aware that this publication does not follow the guidelines of several international systems, including the international aid system, that ‘depoliticizes themes, transforming them into purely technical or administrative problems’ (Sogge, 2019, p. 104). This is a political-scientific initiative that aims to cause a decolonial impact in the field of knowledge production in several areas, mainly areas such as sport sociology, sport anthropology, sport for development and peace, international development, international aid, geography, among others. Thus, this book will contribute in a fundamental way to the development of a more globally balanced and even more ‘diverse in epistemologies’ (Giulianotti et al., 2019, p. 414) field of SDP studies.
Possible topics
People interested in contributing to this book may address the following topics, but do not need to be limited to them:
- The use of sport as a tool for development
- Design and implementation of SDP programs and projects
- Monitoring and evaluation of SDP programs, projects and activities
- Qualitative or quantitative evaluation of interventions
- Sport as a tool for health promotion
- Public policy on the social function of sport
- Analysis of sports programs for the purpose of peace building and conflict resolution, social inclusion or urban violence
- Social legacy and impacts of sport mega events
- Sport as a promoter of gender equality/ Sport as a promoter of gender inequality
- Sport and inclusion of people with disabilities
- Application of social development and peace building theories to the sports field
- Sport and environment
- Sport in the context of social vulnerability
- Sport and the Sustainable Development Goals
- Sport and migration
- Sport and social movements
When preparing your abstract, please note:
As a way to encourage colleagues in the Global South, we will initially accept abstracts in English, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili, French and Russian. However, final versions of the abstracts must be submitted in English by the author(s) (see timeline below).
Abstracts need to contain chapter title, a 300-word summary of the chapter content (theme, focus, empirical or conceptual base, methodology, and central argument), author(s) name(s), affiliation and contact details, and 60-word author(s) bio until 28 February 2021. Versions of abstracts in languages other than English must be submitted by the authors by 31 January 2021. Such abstracts will be returned to the authors until 15 February so that there is enough time for them to translate the abstracts into English and proceed with the final submission of 28 February.
This can be e-mailed to the editors using the addresses given below.
We embrace articles with diverse structures and references in languages other than English.
Document style
- Please use Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing.
- Please use the APA 7th Edition referencing style, using this URL as your guide
Timeline of the book production
- Release of the call: December 2020
- Deadline for Abstracts: February 2021
- Collaborations must be English.
- The maximum length of the abstract will be 300 words.
- The document must indicate the title of the article, author(s) and institutional affiliation(s).
- Abstracts should be sent via email to one of the editor’s email addresses.
- Acceptance of an abstract does not imply automatic publication of the chapter, it must undergo a review process.
- Deadline on which authors will be notified if they will be invited to submit full articles: April 2021
- Deadline for submission of complete articles: November 2021
- Feedback from editors: February 2022
- Completion estimate (final version of the chapters to the editors): April 2022
Billy Graeff ([email protected]) is a senior lecturer of the sociology of sport at the Federal University of Rio Grande - Brazil. His research focus is sport and development, with particular interest in sport mega events impacts on communities directly affected and on Human Rights. Currently, he is researching sport for development initiatives in South America.
Simona Šafaříková (simona.safarikova@
Gerard Akindes ([email protected]) earned a Masters in Sports Administration and PH.D. in Media Studies at Ohio University where he taught Sport Management. He has co-edited a book and published several journal articles and book chapters, He has also co-created the Sports Africa conference series.(the 14th was held in Senegal in July 2019) He is a board member of the Sports Africa Network and advises sports for development programs and sport governing committees in Africa.
Lin Cherurbai Sambili- Gicheha ([email protected]) is a Commonwealth Scholar, currently finalising her PhD in Sociology of Sport at Loughborough University with a particular focus on Sport for Development in Preventing the spread of Violent Extremism (SDPVE). Lin graduated from the International University of Monaco (IUM) in 2013 with a Master’s degree in Sustainable Peace through Sport (MSPS). This innovative degree was jointly designed by experts in the field of peace, sport, and academia to equip students with specific skills and knowledge in Sports for Development and Peace (SDP). Lin is also the Executive Director with Sports with A Goal Africa (SWAGA). SWAGA is a grassroots sports organisation in Kenya that uses sport to Reach-Connect and Empower both individuals and communities with opportunities through sport.