Dates for your diary

The second annual European Conference on evidence based aquatic therapy will be held on 15 – 18 April in Leuven, Belgium, and will explore the latest research on the benefits of using water therapy for short and long term rehabilitation and fitness training.
2015 SportAccord Convention
The six-day convention will be hosted in Sochi from 19 – 24 April, bringing together representatives from more than 100 international sports federations and organisations who are dedicated to engaging rights holders, organising committees, cities and businesses to drive positive change for the development of sport.
Academic seminar: Historicizing the Pan American Games
The seminar held 20 – 21 April in Toronto will feature papers from an international array of scholars on the often ignored but significant role of the Pan American Games in fostering solidarity across the Americas, as well as their contribution to city-building and sport development.
Disabled women in sport and physical activity: Best practice and steps forward
The conference held on 21 April will address the barriers encountered by women with a disability when participating in sport and physical activity and will look at best practice examples for engaging these women and will identify effective steps for their inclusion.
Women Play Sport 2015
The conference taking place in Birmingham, UK, on 21 - 22 April, will be a mixture of workshops and keynotes and will cover a number of topics including: the importance of media coverage of women in sports, development of female leadership, and the importance of sport for physical and mental wellbeing.
Webinar: Discrimination in sport and its impact on mental wellbeing
The webinar on 22 April will discuss a number of issues relating to discrimination in sport including: reasons behind discrimination and how this leads to poor mental wellbeing, ways for coaches to tackle double stigma, and how to approach next steps to prevent stigmatisation.
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- Find out more about Aqua-Leuven 2015
- Find out more about the 2015 SportAccord Convention
- Find out more about the academic seminar: Historicizing the Pan American Games
- Find out more about Disabled women in sport and physical activity: Best practic…
- Find out more about the Women Play Sport 2015 conference
- Find out more about the webinar on discrimination in sport and its impact on me…