Free fundraising readiness self-assessment tool for organisations using sport for good
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fundraising readiness self-assessment tool
Findings from the most recent survey on fundraising in the sector indicate that more than a third of organisations in sport for development still have no fundraising strategy and that only 37% met or exceeded their fundraising targets in the last financial year. Building fundraising capacity was consistently cited as one of the single biggest priorities for organisations across the world.

In response to these challenges, the team at Remedy are building and curating a collection of resources and tools revolving around the concept of fundraising readiness. Fundraising readiness, done properly, requires institutional and leadership self-awareness and an authentic desire to strengthen your organisation’s development areas. This approach will not only serve your long-term fundraising performance, but also your organisation’s broader capacity and capability. It is all interconnected; fundraising does not exist in a vacuum, and should not be viewed in isolation from other vital business functions.

And so, together with sector leaders, donors and partners, Remedy have built a comprehensive fundraising readiness rating tool and supporting framework that will help you to identify exactly where and how you can improve your organisation’s chances of fundraising success. The tool will evolve over time, as Remedy gathers feedback and insight from the sector. The tool is available now, for free, via the link below, and should take you only 10-minutes to complete. Answer 30 straightforward, multiple choice questions and Remedy will send you a personalised report, assessing your organisation’s fundraising readiness across six core readiness areas. Anonymised, sector-wide results will help inform and design future tools and resources in future.




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