Part-time MSc in Adapted Physical Activity Leadership (APAL) available in Tralee, Ireland
19 May 2015
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The Institute of Technology in Tralee, Ireland, is offering a full-time and new part-time master's programme in Adapted Physical Activity Leadership (APAL).
Since 2014, the course has been provided as a full time master's programme. However, the course is now being offered for those wishing to study part time.
Applications closing date: 31st May
Visit the Institute of Technology, Tralee website for more information
The Insitute of Technology, Tralee, describe the course aim as the following:
The overall aim of this master’s degree programme is to provide the opportunity for professionals and graduates in the areas of health, education, care and leisure, to develop their capacity as transformative leaders to ensure universal access to physical activity.
Entry Requirements
Applicants to the master’s in Adapted Physical Activity Leadership and its embedded awards must meet the following minimum entry requirements:
- Bachelor (honours degree) 2.2 or higher in physical education, health and leisure, sports science, physiotherapy or related field
- The applicant’s undergraduate programme must include attainment in the discipline areas of anatomy, physiology and adapted physical activity
- Sufficient conversational and written English language skills – an IELTS requirement of 6.5
- There are additional prerequisite knowledge requirements for some of the elective choices
- €3,365 per year (Full time)
- €2,245 per year (Part time)
Applications closing date: 31st May
Visit the Institute of Technology, Tralee website for more information