Participate in the UNESCO photo contest and promote sport values worldwide
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Do you believe in the power of sport? Have you seen the impact of sport values in your community? If so, UNESCO wants to see the evidence.

Share one photo with us which captures the power of sport values and their impact on young people within your community. The best 15 photos will be published in a UNESCO photo book on sport values and exhibited at the organisation’s headquarters.

Sport values such as fairness, equity, respect or inclusion can equip young people with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle 21st century challenges. Engagement in targeted sport-values education programmes contributes to the development of self-confidence, healthy lifestyle choices, life skills, and an understanding of rights.

To participate, please send your photo to [email protected] along with a 150-200 words testimony/story (in English, French or Spanish) explaining how sport values impact young people in your community, by Thursday 3 December 2015 at 12:00 GMT+1.

Please also indicate your first and last name, together with your contact details and your profession.

Photo composition and format:

  • Your photo must be dynamic and express movement
  • Your photo must be in colour and in high resolution (minimum 300 dpi)
  • Dimensions can either be portrait or landscape, and the format can be either portrait, photojournalism, street photos, or sport photos
  • Signatures, photographers’ names, or copyright notices should be submitted along with the photo
  • Your photo must be sent by email, in digital format, as a .jpg file

Contest winners

A minimum of five winners and 10 runners-up will be selected. UNESCO will publish the results of the photo contest on Wednesday 9 December 2015. Winners and runners-up will be notified directly.

The five winners will receive a Canon DSLR camera and will be invited to an international event on Values Education through Sport (UNESCO Paris, France, 28-29 January 2016). Travel and accommodation will be borne by UNESCO.

Contest winners and runners-up will receive:

  • Two hard copies of the photo book featuring the best photos
  • One Set of post-cards featuring the best photos
  • One branded T-shirt


  1. UNESCO reserves the right to modify the contest prizes and its rules and regulations as and when necessary, without prior notice
  2. To participate in the contest, the photographer must own the rights of the content he/she is submitting
  3. By participating in the contest, the photographer holds the copyright to the photos submitted, but UNESCO retains the unlimited right to use the submitted photos for public information purposes in UNESCO’s fields of competence. UNESCO will only use photos for non-commercial purposes which include education and advocacy materials, website, brochures, reports, flyers, at no cost. The photographers will be credited

  • Visit the UNESCO website for more information

[This article has been edited by the Operating Team] ?>




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