A pioneering partnership to promote sustainable development through sport in the Middle East and North Africa

In this article, we highlight the most important milestones and achievements of the partnership between the International Platform on Sport and Development and the Qatar Fund for Development over the past two years. We will review how this collaboration has contributed to enhancing the role of sport as an effective tool for contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Middle East and North Africa.
Dedicated panel at the Doha Forum
In December 2024, sportanddev and QFFD participated in the Doha Forum to organise a panel discussion entitled “Sport as a Force for Sustainable Development in the MENA Region.” The session was the only one dedicated to the role of sport in society at the high level forum. The panel addressed the most prominent achievements and challenges facing some sports initiatives in the region, and focused on the role of sports in promoting sustainable development. This participation is an opportunity to showcase the platform as a leading entity in promoting dialogue and cooperation in the field of sport and development.
We thank all individuals and representatives of organizations for attending the session.
Working towards a more inclusive and equitable sector
Since 2020 and the outbreak of the COVID pandemic which highlighted and exacerbated inequities in society and sport, sportanddev has led efforts to reshape sport and development. This has included strengthening access, inclusiveness and equity to ensure sport and development is more diverse and democratic.
Our campaign on Reshaping Sport and Development and work with QFFD seeks to ensure more voices are heard, especially from underrepresented groups and regions like the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
View campaign on Reshaping Sport and Development.
First Launch: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
As part of its efforts to expand knowledge and provide innovative educational tools, sportanddev and QFFD launched the first Arabic version of our massive open online course (MOOC), entitled Sport for Sustainable Development: Building Effective Policies and Programs.
This free, open access course is available in available in Arabic, and aims to:
• Clarify the relationship between sport and sustainable development.
• Offer training on how to design effective policies and projects to achieve development goals.
• Provide practical examples from around the world and case studies from the sector.
The course has attracted over 8,500 learners from 197 countries and counting! It is relevant to practitioners, policymakers and professionals and anyone seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge.
View course in Arabic English, French and Spanish.
Building Arabic content and strengthening the network in the MENA region
As part of its efforts to create sustainable impact, the platform seeks to enhance and mobilise Arabic content on sport and development. This includes news, events, research, educational tools, scientific studies and practical experiences - all on our fully operational Arabic website.
The Arabic website was launched in early 2024 and seeks to convene and build a strong network of individuals and organisations to exchange experiences and ensure cooperation. This accounts for the MENA region’s needs and cultural specificities with a view to strengthening collaboration and impact.
Call for Articles: Promoting Sport for Development in the Middle East and North Africa
sportanddev and QFFD launched a public call for submissions on sport for development in the MENA region in the last quarter of 2024. This initiative aims to highlight successful experiences, challenges and opportunities, and contribute to building collective knowledge that supports the future of the sector.
25 articles were published from 13 countries in the region, covering various topics, including:
- Sport and Refugees
- Sport and Exercise for Health
- Sport for Peace and Diplomacy
- Sports Skills Rehabilitation and National Policies
- Sport and gender equality
- Intellectual Property Rights, Sports History and Law
View articles in English | Arabic | French
Celebrating World Arabic Language Day
On World Arabic Language Day (18 December 2024), sportanddev organized a webinar bringing together industry professionals from across the region. The session celebrated the Arabic language as a tool for communication and building bridges and featured a special invitation for contributors to the Call for Articles to showcase their contributions. The event fostered open discussion and collaboration.
Thanks to Qatar Fund for Development
We would like to express our deep gratitude to the Qatar Fund for Development for its full support and belief in the vision and goals of the platform. This trust reflects a shared commitment to the importance of sport as a tool for sustainable development and a means to build stronger and more equal societies.
The International Platform on Sport and Development continues to work with its partners to strengthen the sector and create a positive and sustainable impact in the MENA region.