Seventeen initiatives request support for campaigns

In September 2011 the Platform announced a new free promotional service, which is offered in partnership with the Sports Development programme of Brunel University, UK.
The plan was to enable the members of the Platform to develop a tailor made promotional campaign designed to more effectively communicate their organisation or programme.
This will be achieved with the help of Brunel University sports students who under guidance and in consultation with the organisations concerned will develop the required promotional campaign, as part of the requirements of their course.
We are delighted to report that 17 diverse organisations from 15 different countries have expressed an interest in benefiting from this promotional service. Click here to see the specific projects for which help was sought, the countries where those projects are run and the main target group subject to intervention.
The organisations that have submitted requests for assistance with their promotional campaigns have already been teamed up with a group of Brunel University students who will be working closely with them for the next four months to help them develop effective promotional materials including Internet-based communications, videos, posters, press releases and banners.
We are looking forward to the opportunity to share those promotional materials with the members of the Platform in the near future.