Survey on using sport in humanitarian settings
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The IOC, UNHCR and Terres des Hommes are asking for participants to identify best practices and help them make informed decisions on the type of support needed.

Are you already using sport for the protection of youth in humanitarian settings or believe in its potential (particularly in situations of displacement)? Your opinion matters to us! Take a few minutes to contribute to our global reflection on sport for development.

The IOC, UNHCR and Terre des hommes are conducting an online survey to identify best practices in sport based programmes for youth in humanitarian settings. Help us to identify the areas that should be invested in and the type of support needed for organisations and youth willing to use sports in these settings.

Share your perspective by answering this survey before Monday 20 June and contribute to the global reflection on the use of sport for protection in humanitarian settings.

[This article has been edited by the Operating Team.]

