Take part in the 2024 Survey of Social Skateboarding Projects Worldwide

Take the Survey of Social Skateboarding Projects Worldwide now
Since 2018, we’ve been working to track the trends, changes and progress among hundreds of social skate projects around the world, and are excited to share a new-and-improved global survey of "skateboarding for good"!
If you filled out the annual survey in past years, please fill it out again for 2024. This way, we can show how our community is progressing each year. Only one person per organization needs to fill the survey.
This Year We're Collecting Shared Participant Impact Data for the 1st Time!
This year’s survey includes a new section at the end to collect shared participant impact data for the first time, based on the new Goodpush Collective Impact Framework. The Goodpush Theory of Change was developed by 50 organizations worldwide in 2024, and this year the Annual Survey of Social Skateboarding Worldwide will be used as a shared data collection tool to highlight the combined positive changes that skate projects are making globally.
To help answer the participant impact questions, a short participant survey template has been prepared that any social skate project can use and adapt. It is recommended to complete this before filling out the Annual Survey, but responses can also be edited later before the February 23 deadline.
If an organization has already conducted a participant survey for 2024, some of the new questions may already be covered, as they focus on common benefits of social skateboarding projects such as feeling safe, learning new skills, and building friendships.
If you need encouragement, here are three good reasons to take part in the survey:
- Get put on the map: By participating in the survey, projects will be added to the Goodpush map of social skateboarding, which shows where organizations are working worldwide. Those already on the map will have the opportunity to update their project details as part of this year’s major update.
- Contribute to knowledge-sharing: Survey results are published online every year so that organizations can learn from each other.
- Funds and support: Survey data helps projects gain support and resources. Past results have guided funding and equipment donations from skate companies and donors, and have helped the Goodpush Alliance create new resources, e-courses, and webinars. All survey participants will also receive updates on grant opportunities provided by Skateistan and Goodpush.
Last year, 134 social skateboarding projects worldwide participated in the survey. This year, even more are encouraged to take part.
The survey is also available in Portuguese.