UNICEF UK contributes to International Inspiration

International Inspiration (II) is London 2012’s groundbreaking international social legacy programme. Delivered by British Council, UK Sport and UNICEF, II spans 20 countries worldwide, and has engaged millions of children in sport and play.
Building sustainable Sport and Development (S&D) programmes
II has given UNICEF, the worlds leading children’s organisation, the opportunity to further the rights of children, building on our partnerships with Governments to develop sustainable, locally-owned S&D programmes.
Promoting social integration and health through sport in India and Zambia
Sport convenes communities, creating opportunities to share messages, and build dialogue. In India, II used sports festivals as a platform for displaced families to meet, play, and build relationships with the communities where they now live. In Zambia, II engaged over 120,000 young people in regular sport, using activities that also built their understanding of HIV.
Enhancing youth leadership in Turkey
Sport has inherent qualities which can enhance the teamwork, leadership and decision-making of children taking part. In Turkey, II is using sport to support children to become young ambassadors in their communities.
Promoting gender equality and including disabled children in Jordan
Sport provides a space for challenging norms which deny some children their rights, such as attitudes towards girls or disabled children. In Jordan, II is training teachers on how to effectively include children with intellectual and physical disabilities in sport.
Promoting education through sport in Mozambique
Sport and physical education can improve the quality and relevance of education, making schools more attractive, engaging places for children. In Mozambique 200,000 primary school children now have the chance to take part in PE through II, and evidence shows this is improving retention rates.
Saving lives in Bangladesh
Involvement in sport can even save lives. In Bangladesh, where drowning is the biggest killer of young children, over150,000 children have now learned survival swimming techniques, thanks to II.
Promoting youth participation in Brazil
Finally, every child everywhere has the right to play. In Brazil over 450,000 children have access to sporting opportunities now, thanks to community standards extended to include sport and play through II.
Inspiring UNICEF to support children
International Inspiration will continue to influence UNICEF long after the final race of the Olympics, and even beyond the MDGs, providing us with valuable lessons about the role sport can play in advancing the rights of children.