ACRO Ghana uses Sports/Football to make society safer by working with communities to find solutions to problems of the youth to reduce crime. Prioritising to give Juvenal ex-offenders, and other disadvantaged people in deprived communities the help they need to build their future.
?>Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders, Ghana. (ACRO Ghana)
Non-profit / NGO
Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders, Ghana. (ACRO Ghana)'s Biography
ACRO Ghana’s vision is a safer society where everyone belongs, human rights respected and preventing crime means tackling social exclusion and re-integrating those who offend. The issue of whether to introduce alternatives to imprisonment and that of the role of the judiciary in the execution of criminal sentences are our focus as imprisonment has weakened to effect social rehabilitation. Be that as it may, rising crime – especially juvenile delinquency -, overpopulated prisons and rising recidi
Organisation contributions
Contact Information
Non-profit / NGO
P. O. Box 352
Dormaa Ahenkro
Dormaa Ahenkro
Focus Areas
Youth development