HODI is a unique regional organization which focus on regional conflict transformation and using sports to engage with the fighting warriors in the north of Kenya.
?>Horn of Africa Development Initiative - HODI
Non-profit / NGO
Horn of Africa Development Initiative - HODI's Biography
HODI uses sports for peace where kids shoot to score goals instead of shooting to kill. Making friends and working closely in a team spirit. Giving a voice to the youths in issues affecting them,
warring tribes play alongside each other and share experience as peace ambassadors. In the north sports has changed so many lives, touched so many hearts and through soccer so many young boys and girls are saying no to the culture of tribal clashes and bloody killings as solders of peace themselves.
warring tribes play alongside each other and share experience as peace ambassadors. In the north sports has changed so many lives, touched so many hearts and through soccer so many young boys and girls are saying no to the culture of tribal clashes and bloody killings as solders of peace themselves.
Organisation contributions
Focus Areas
Youth development
Economic development