Right To Play is an international humanitarian organization using sport and play to improve health, develop life skills, and foster peace for children and communities in some of the most disadvantaged areas of the world.
Right To Play
Non-profit / NGO
Right To Play's Biography
Right To Play trains local community leaders as coaches to deliver programs in countries affected by war, poverty, and disease in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Right To Play uses sport and play as tools for learning in four development impact areas: basic education and child development, health promotion and disease prevention, conflict resolution and peace building and community development and participation. Right To Play programs are guided by the principles of inclusion and sustainab
Right To Play uses sport and play as tools for learning in four development impact areas: basic education and child development, health promotion and disease prevention, conflict resolution and peace building and community development and participation. Right To Play programs are guided by the principles of inclusion and sustainab
Organisation contributions
Contact Information
Non-profit / NGO
65 Queen Street West
Focus Areas
North America
Youth development
Disaster response
Economic development