As the leading Swiss organisation for children’s aid, created in 1960, the Terre des hommes foundation (Tdh) is committed to protecting children’s lives and their rights, and improving their well-being. They aim to do so through innovative programmes focused on health, migration and access to justice, specially designed to have both short- and long-term impacts. 

For more than 60 years, Tdh has been working in difficult situations, in countries at war, regions devastated by natural disasters, and places where poverty and malnutrition force millions of children and their families to migrate elsewhere. Tdh provides direct and indirect support to millions of children, their families and communities in around thirty countries every year.


Content strategist
Terre des hommes (Lausanne)
Development Manager
Senior Consultant
Sport for Development Consultant
Former Coordinator, Australian Sports Outreach Program - India
Sport for Development Consultant
Consultant International Development Cooperation
Sport for Development Consultant
Sport and psychosocial field trainer

Organisation contributions

Contact Information

Non-profit / NGO

15 av. de Montchoisi
1006 Lausanne

0041 58 611 06 66

Focus Areas

Youth development
Disaster response
Economic development