Brand new for sportanddev, the Research and Learning Corner is where resources and information are collated and centralised to a single location on the website.

In this section you can access the Resource Library full of applied and academic articles, reports, case studies, and more. Through the Learning section, you'll also be able to access our Guiding Toolkits, a series of how to guides in applying practical skills and competencies to improve your projects and programmes.

Our Courses section is still being built, but this will contain online courses that you can register for and complete to learn and develop from. In the meantime, you'll be able to access the MOOC directly from this section.

Photo by Lum3n



Find out about the latest developments and trends in Research in Sport and Development.



Access our Guiding Toolkits to develop your practical skills for planning and delivering projects and programmes, and coming soon, sign up to online courses including the MOOC!