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resource journal cover
Manuals and Tools
Manuals and Tools

Including young women and girls with disabilities means more than just removing obstacles or barriers. It is crucial to provide key enablers of inclusion. This involves working with the young women and girls with disabilities to identify ways in which the environment (physical and otherwise) can...

cover page
Journal Articles
Journal Articles

This research article on sport for development (SfD) is part of a broader initiative by the Swiss Academy for Development (SA4D), aimed at exploring the role of sports in promoting social change and deepening our understanding of SfD.

PGC International Sports Management Symbolizing the Pursuit of Excellence
Project Reports
Project Reports

Welcome to our comprehensive evaluation of the Decolonising the Curriculum (DtC) initiatives within the Postgraduate Certificate in International Sports Management (PGCert ISM), delivered through Open and Distance Learning (ODL). This report presents an executive summary of findings,...

Cover Page
Journal Articles
Journal Articles

This paper examines the influence of neoliberalism on the design, development, and delivery of a Sport for Development (SFD) programme in the United Kingdom and is the first to do so using an empirical case study globally focusing on military veterans.

Cover Page
Journal Articles
Journal Articles

This article explored rural Australia’s community sport policy process, focusing on policy development and implementation issues alongside advocacy for community organizations involved with ‘grassroots’ sport. The analysis focussed on the significance of the relationships between community sport...

first page of report
Project Reports
Project Reports

This policy brief should be read alongside the policy brief Sport for Protection through Education: Conflicting Policy Frameworks, which identified policy gaps in institutionalizing Sport for Protection through educational activities in Jordan. It advocated for Jordanian stakeholders to invest...

front page
Project Reports
Project Reports

Jordan has undertaken key policy and procedural steps toward child protection since the 1990s. However, the turbulent regional context has strained Jordan’s capacities due to the huge influx of refugee children, currently estimated at 337,279 (14,489 Iraqis, 317,423 Syrians, and 5,367 other...

The cover page of an issue brief with the title: Active Equity: Towards Addressing Gender Gaps in Sports and Physical Activity in India
Research Documents
Research Documents

The issue brief, part of a series by the Sports and Society Accelerator (SSA), examines gender gaps in sports and physical activity in India.

The cover page of an issue brief with the title: The Role of	SAPA	in Brain Health and Mental Health
Research Documents
Research Documents

The issue brief by the Sports and Society Accelerator explores the role of sports and physical activity in brain health and mental health.

two skiers on a grassy slope
Project Reports
Project Reports

People sit at the heart of every transformation needed within sport to move towards a healthier and more sustainable future.

Page Cover
Journal Articles
Journal Articles

Over the last 20 years, the growing recognition of sport as an enabler of sustainable development has allowed Sport for Development (SFD) to emerge as a dynamic research field featuring contributions from a wide range of scholarly disciplines.

Page Cover
Journal Articles
Journal Articles

South and North Korea have utilized Taekwondo demonstrations for soft diplomacy purposes for decades.


This section was developed with support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

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