The issue brief, part of a series by the Sports and Society Accelerator (SSA), offers a way forward for the concept of active cities in India.
Urban residents in India and around the globe are grappling with the adverse effects of increasingly sedentary lifestyles. The concept of active cities presents a promising solution.
This issue brief, part of a mini-series on discussions around active frameworks, underscores the importance of active cities, and building from international best practice, advocates for the development of a uniform, consistent framework to benchmark the progress of such cities within India.
About SSA: The Sports and Society Accelerator is a public-spirited, independent, not-for-profit organization based out of India working to shape the world around us through sports and physical activity (SAPA). Its focus is on actionable policy and regulatory guidance and recommendations, data-led research, proofs of concept, projects and programmes, and assistance and advisory services to stakeholders and partners.