But just a short distance from the arenas, Rio’s children face the increased risks of violence and other rights violations as a result of forced evictions from their homes.
All children, whoever they are and where ever they are, have a right to be protected.
With this guiding principle in mind, Terre des Hommes and Keeping Children Safe have produced a guide for journalists to help them do all they can to protect the rights of children and keep children safe when covering these important issues.
The guide outlines key principles in safeguarding children, by maintaining high standards of personal conduct, respecting the rights of the child and managing risk. There’s practical advice on photography and video, interviewing children, legal and ethical issues, reporting safeguarding concerns and more.
This guide will help the media support our belief that mega sporting events should never harm children.
There are short and long versions of the guide available also.
(Also available to download in Portuguese, French, German, Italian and Spanish)
[This article has been edited by the Operating Team]