This document by the CHANGE project outlines sustainability measures to reinforce the continuity of their projects and safeguarding their legacy for the future.
This Implementation and Sustainability Plan is one of six important publications from the CHANGE project (official title ‘Defining skills and competences for sport to act as a tool for the development of people and society in Europe’). CHANGE was a three-year transnational project with nine partners, co-funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ Sport programme. It started in January 2019 and completed successfully in December 2021, following a global dissemination conference.
The CHANGE partners were clear from the outset that they did not want the project’s focus and outcomes to be limited to the three years of the project’s lifetime. Instead, their vision was that after completion of the project, the innovative outputs, in particular the Competence Framework of Occupational Standards and Training Handbook, would be adopted by the S4D field and would continue to influence good practice and relevant education, training and continuing professional development for many years to come.
This final output to the project, therefore, is intended to provide a launch pad for the dissemination and use of the products for at least five years into the future. For the CHANGE partners, implementation and sustainability reinforce the continuity of the final outputs and safeguard their legacy into the future. The goal of this guide is to outline sustainability measures for the CHANGE project culminating in a Sustainability Strategic Action Plan for the sector outlining 13 aims with timing, audience activities and responsible organisations.