This section provides advice and guidance, based on previous experience in sport and development, on building capacity of organisations involved in sport and development. Suggestions and recommendations provided in this section are based on previous experience in sport and development initiatives.

To carry out sport and development projects, skills and expertise are needed to:

  • Teach sport.
  • Facilitate group work (coaching).
  • Develop and manage sports structures and organisations (organisational capacity building).

Building relationships with other organisations and decision-makers is shown to be crucial to developing these skills and gaining this experience. The ways in which stakeholders relate to and cooperate with each other or the ‘rules of the game’ may need to be changed.

This section brings together key resources in this area and provides further references, sources of information and tools for those who wish to know more on capacity building.


Capacity Building

Advice and guidance from those with experience in building sustainable sport and development initiatives.

Where to start

Developing sustainable sport structures

Organisational Development

Strengthening the capacity of an organisation to achieve its goals and fulfil its mission.

Challenges in capacity building

Challenges to building in a sport and development context.

Levels of capacity building

Improving skills for carrying out key functions, solving problems, defining and achieving objectives.

Where do you stand? Where do you want to go?

The three steps necessary to improve organisational capacity for sport and development programmes.

Practical suggestions to enhance capacity building

Practical suggestions to improve the capacity of organisations and individuals involved in sport and development.