There are a number of reasons for which NGOs and the private sector should collaborate and form partnerships. Read more by clicking on the links below.

Shared Goals

The "Shared Goals" report provides a concise overview of the main reasons for getting involved in sport andd development and the benefits of partnering with NGOs.

According to the recent report entitled “Shared Goals Through Sport”, the main shared goals between the private sector and NGOs in sport and development are:

  • Contributing to peaceful, well-governed and secure societies, and stable operating environments.
  • Encouraging healthy, active populations and reducing rates of disease.
  • Strengthening local communities.
  • Sharing values that underpin economically and socially successful societies.
  • Empowering marginalised groups and reducing inequality.


The report “looks at the business motivation behind, and characteristics of, effective private sector engagement in sport for development, which is defined as using sport to empower individuals, alleviate poverty, and create social change. The purpose of the report is to encourage greater private sector engagement in sport for development partnerships.” It builds on the findings of the IBLF and UK Sport report ‘Shared Goals 2005’ (


The report identifies the following aspects for private sector actors who might wish to consider becoming involved in sport and development:

Universal participation
All people are, in theory, able to participate in sport. They do so on a basis of mutual respect and an adherence to common rules. This makes sport an ideal medium for forming partnerships.

Local community links
Sporting networks reach and engage all areas of local communities, including otherwise socially marginalised groups.

Breaking down barriers
Sporting activities, particularly team sports, provide an opportunity to bring together parts of society in limited contact, e.g. different religious or ethnic groups.

Public health benefits
By encouraging physical activity, sport improves the health of participants - particularly beneficial in the context of growing rates of chronic diseases and poor mental health.

Youth participation
Sport is of particular interest to young people, especially in poor countries where mainstream educational opportunities may be limited.

Leadership and empowerment
Evidence from Sport & Development programmes show that many participants often become active and empowered members of society.

Legacy of major sporting events
The Olympics, the football World Cup, and other sporting tournaments can (if a long-term view is taken) bring some significant social and economic benefits. © International Business Leaders Forum 2008, 'Shared Goals Through Sport'