How can we better measure the contribution that sport, physical activity and physical education make to the SDGs and other development priorities?
Sport has been recognised as “an important enabler of sustainable development” in the 2030 Agenda and a range of actors have aligned their work using sport for development to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At the same time, states and intergovernmental agencies have recognised the need for common indicators, benchmarks and self-assessment tools to monitor and evaluate the contribution of sport to SDG goals and targets. Commitments to this were emphasised at the Sixth International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport (MINEPS VI), in the United Nations Action Plan on Sport for Development and Peace 2018-2020 and at the 9th Commonwealth Sports Ministers Meeting, among others.
The Kazan Action Plan, resulting from MINEPS VI, includes a specific objective to “develop common indicators for measuring the contribution of physical education, physical activity and sport to prioritized SDGs and targets”. The United Nations Action Plan on SDP includes a focus to “strengthen national statistical capacity and monitoring systems to ensure access to sport-related data including through the establishment of indicator protocols”. This section provides further information on why and how we can measure the contribution of sport to the SDGs.
For further information please see the pages below and/or visit the Commonwealth website.
This section was developed in partnership with the Commonwealth.