Definitions of some key child safeguarding terminology.
Abuse is the deliberate act or series of actions which lead to harm. This includes, but is not limited to, verbal, physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse.
Additionally vulnerable
Athletes that do not have access to the same choices as others due to dependency on others and/or an impaired ability to resist, avoid or understand abuse. This term is commonly used to refer to disabled and deaf athletes.
According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child is anyone under the age of 18.
Child protection
Child protection is the set of actions implemented when a child is identified as being at risk of being harmed, abused, neglected or exploited. It should be seen as an element of child safeguarding.
Child safeguarding
Child safeguarding is the set of actions, measures and procedures taken to ensure that all children are kept safe from harm, abuse, neglect or exploitation whilst in care.
Exploitation refers to the use of an individual for ones’ own benefit, gratification or satisfaction.
Harm refers to a negative impact on an individual’s physical, emotional or behavioural health and well-being. Violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation often lead to an individual being harmed.
Neglect manifests itself in not reacting, either deliberate or through carelessness, to an act or series of actions or events which lead to harm.