Sport and adapted physical activity (APA) have been associated with positive outcomes for people with disabilities. This section provides an introduction to some of these issues, a brief history of how this field emerged, and a summary of current thinking on ABS and sport and recreation opportunities to ensure the participation of people with disabilities from diverse backgrounds. various backgrounds. development contexts. An overview of disability-related definitions and terminology is also provided.

Today, the idea that people with disabilities can participate in sports and physical activities is not so uncommon. In many countries, people with disabilities, from grassroots to elite levels, have opportunities to showcase their abilities in sport and physical activity. But this is not the case in all regions of the world. Although the quality of life of people with disabilities has seen progressive and positive changes in many developed countries, this progress is often not reflected in developing countries.

People with disabilities in developing countries face major barriers that limit their access and participation in sport and physical activity. In a development context, these obstacles have an impact on both: (i) the creation of activity pathways for people with disabilities and (ii) the use of sport and physical activity programs to achieve goals. broader developments.

The World Health Organization estimates that 650 million people live with various types of disabilities, and this number is increasing due to increases in chronic diseases, injuries, car accidents, falls, violence and d other causes such as aging. Of this total, 80% live in low-income countries; most are poor and have limited or no access to basic services, including rehabilitation centers.

This increasing incidence of disability, particularly in developing countries, risks placing an additional burden on governments and health systems. Sport can be an effective and inexpensive way to promote positive health and wellbeing, social inclusion and disability community strengthening.

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