Main navigation Child safeguarding What is child safeguarding in sport? Putting the safeguards into practice History of safeguarding Additionally vulnerable What is acceptable in sport and development? Glossary of key terms Democracy History of sport and democracy Putting sport and democracy into practice Sport and democracy policy What is sports diplomacy? Disability Definitions and terminology Sport and adapted physical activity (APA) Milestones in APA and sports for people with disabilities Policy, practice and future priorities Participation barriers and opportunities Technical considerations Actors involved in sport and disability Disability and gender Current initiatives Selected bibliography Disaster response Sport as a psychosocial intervention Key considerations in project planning and implementation International charters and recommendations Tools and practice Current initiatives Selected bibliography Sport and refugees The Global Compact on Refugees FAQ: Global Refugee Forum Sport for protection Sport, mental health and psychosocial support Sport and education Elite sports and refugees Monitoring, evaluation and learning Resources for using sport in work with refugees About the Sport for Refugees Coalition News from the Sport for Refugees Coalition Contact the Sport for Refugees Coalition Economic development Underdevelopment of sport in developing countries Exploitation and child protection in sport Developing local markets through sport Sport as a means to build skills for employability Environment and sustainability Sport and the environment: a team game Making sports more sustainable Community engagement and education Advocacy and action Policy Key resources Gender What is 'gender'? The role of sport in addressing gender issues Policy development in gender and sport Understanding and adapting to local contexts Promoting gender equity through sport Selected bibliography Health Health, sport and wellbeing The health benefits of sport and physical activity Sport, physical activity and risk factors for major diseases Tackling HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases through sport Practical implications of sport-for-health programming Sport and public health campaigns Peacebuilding Defining peace and relationship building The role of sport in peacebuilding Reintegration of child soldiers through sport Practical considerations of using sport in peacebuilding Current initiatives Policy Introduction to sport and development policy How is sport policy related to social policy? Role of policy in sport and development Who are the main policy actors and what are their roles? What is the role of non-policy actors in influencing policy? Organisations working on sport and development policy Youth development Healthy development of children and young people through sport Physical education in schools Social and emotional development Policy developments Practical considerations on sport in education Use the webform below to contact the Sport for Refugees Coalition. Contact the Sport for Refugees Coalition First Name Email Phone Number Inquiry Submit Inquiry