- Georgiou, Y., Patsantaras, N., & Kamberidou, I. (2024). THE RUNNING TRIBES: TYPOLOGY OF THE LONG-DISTANCE RUNNING COMMUNITY OF GREECE. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, vol 11, no.3, pp. 1-18. Open Access Publishing Group. Issue:
-Kamberidou, Irene (2020). “Distinguished” Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Economy and the Multitasking Whirlpool. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Springer Open, Volume 9, Article number: 3,, In Springer Nature:
-Patsantaras, N., & Kamberidou, I. (2022). EXPERIENCING THE MYTH: GREEKNESS AND THE GERMAN HERO. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science (ISSN: 2501 - 1235), 8(6), 61-82. Open Access Publishing Group. Publisher's VersionAbstract experiencing_the_myth_published_august_19_2022_.pdf
-Kamberidou, I., & Kefi-Chatzichamperi, E. (2021). THE NATIONAL ACTION PLAN FOR GENDER EQUALITY: WOMEN, SPORTS AND MILITARY INSTITUTIONS. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science (ISSN: 2501 - 1235), 7(3), 90-116. Open Access Publishing Group. Publisher's Version Abstract doi:
-Kamberidou, I. (2019). GENDER INTEGRATION IN THE MILITARY: GENDER-NEUTRAL STANDARDS AND COED SPORTS. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 5(11), 23-45. Open Access Publishing Group. Publisher's VersionAbstract gender.integration.in_.the_.military_.pdf
- Kefi-Chatzichamperi, E., Kamberidou, I., & Patsantaras, N. (2021). COED SPORTS AS AN ‘INTEGRATION TOOL’ IN HELLENIC MILITARY HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science (ISSN 2501 – 1235), vol.7, issue 1, pp. 1-19. Open Access Publishing Group. (DOI will be activated when issue is closed/completed).
--Kamberidou, I., Bonias, A., & Patsantaras, N. (2019). SPORT AS A MEANS OF INCLUSION AND INTEGRATION FOR "THOSE OF US WITH DISABILITIES". European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 5(12), 99-128. Open Access Publishing Group. Publisher's VersionAbstract inclusionintegrationdisability.sport_.oct_.32019_.pdf
-Curt, C., & Kamberidou, I. (2019). GENDER, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, SPORT AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN FRANCE. 5th Scientific Conference on "Physical Activity and Health". School of Physical Education & Sport Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 12-14 April, Athens, Greece. Sociology Lab–Sociology of Sport.Abstract genderentrepreneurswomen.sport_.pdf detailed.abstract.kamberidou.curt_.pdf
-Kamberidou, I. & Chroni, S. (2016).The Greek Experience: Outstanding Women in the Social Space of Sport. In Inspirational Women in Europe: making a difference in Physical Education, Sport and Dance (pp. 224–242). Juiz de Fora, Brazil.: Rosa Diketmüller (editor). Juiz de Fora : NGIME/UFJF, 2016 (IAPESGW Continent Series). Publication of the International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women (IAPESGW), ISBN 978-85-67380-55-1. Abstract inspirational_women_in_europe_0330_continentes_europa.pdf book_cover_inspiratoinal_women_in_sport.jpg inspirational_women_hardcopy_sample.pdf inspirational_women_in_europe_making_a_difference_in_phys.ed_.sport_and_dance.pdf
--Georgiou, Y., Patsantaras, N., & Kamberidou, I. (2018). Homophobia predictors – A case study in Greece: heterosexual physical education student attitudes towards male and female homosexuality. Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES), 18(2), 1209-1216. Online ISSN: 2247 - 806X; p-ISSN: 2247 – 8051; ISSN - L = 2247 - 8051 © JPES (DOI:10.7752/jpes.2018.s2180). Publisher's VersionAbstract homophobia_2018.pdf
-Kamberidou, I. (2012). New Realms of Agency: Promoting Peace Education and Gender Equity through Sport. In Sport Science and Physical Education, [Ed. Luminita Georgescu ], Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK. Oxford ,UK: Developed under the Auspices of UNESCO, Eolss publ.Abstract unescochapter_new_realsm_of_agency_-sport.pdf new_realms_of_agency_e1-12-89-14.pdf
--Kamberidou, I. (2012). Athletes United for Peace: Reconciliation through Sport. In Proceedings of the international conference SPORT AS A MEDIATOR BETWEEN CULTURES (pp. 187–202). International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE/CIEPSS), Hanns-Braun-Strase Friesenhaus II D-14053 Berlin. Editors Ronnie Lidor, Karl-Heinz Schneider & Katrin Koenen. ISBN 978-3-9811179-4-3 copyright 2012 by ICSSPE.
-Kamberidou, I. (2012). PEACE EDUCATION: MOVING FORWARD THROUGH SPORT– ATHLETES UNITED FOR PEACE (chapter six, pp. 205-266 in English). In Gender, Social Capital, Multiculturalism & Sport [book in Greek, chapter six in English] (pp. 205–266). Publisher: Telethrion, Athens, pp.205-266. peace-education-moving-forward-through-sport-athletes-united-for-peace.pdf book_gender_social_capital_multiculturalism_and_sport.pdf
-Kamberidou, I. (2011). Athlete Activism and Peace Education: Bridging the Social Inequality Gap through Sports.. Nebula, 8, 168–180. Samar Habib. Publisher's Version athlete_activism_and_peace_education.pdf
-Kamberidou, I. (2011). Athlete Activism and Peace Education: Bridging the Social Inequality Gap through Sports.. NEBULA 8.1, a Journal of Multidisciplinary Scholarship, 168–180.Abstract athlete_activism_and_peace_education.pdf
--Kamberidou, I. (2010). Social Gender and Biological Gender: Gender in Sport and the Historicity of Women’s Exclusion [in Greek]. Women & Sport, 7, 7–24. Publication of the Panhellenic Union for the Promotion of Women in Sports (PEPGAS).Abstract social_gender_biological_gender_1_2010.pdf
-Kamberidou, I. (2010). Women Entrepreneurs, An Emerging Economic Force (Press Corner European Commission Enterprise and Industry. Global Women News:
-Kamberidou, I., Tsopani, D., Dallas, G., & Patsantaras, N. (2009). A Question of Identity and Equality in Sports: Men's Participation in Men's Rhythmic Gymnastics.. Nebula, 6.
-Patsantaras, N., Kamberidou, I., & Panagiotopoulos, P. (2009). Sports: Social Inclusion or Xenophobia. Pandektis International Sports Law Review (IASL), 7(3), 404. xenophobiaandsports.pandektisvol-7_issue3-42008_1.pdf
-Kamberidou, I. (2009). "The Anachronistic Gender-Sport Imbalance: The Construction of Identities, or Beyond the Glass Ceiling to the Glass Escalator". In 16TH IAPESGW Congress, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Presentation [and abstract] for Parallel session on Diversity. the_anachronistic_sport.gender_imbalance._south_africa.pdf world_congress_programme.pdf proceedings._congress.july_2009.pdf
-Kamberidou, I., Tsopani, D., Dallas, G., & Patsantaras, N. (2009). A Question of Identity and Equality in Sports: Men’s Participation in Men’s Rhythmic Gymnastics.. The Routledge Falmer Reader inGender and Education, 220–237.Abstract kamberidou_et_al.pdf mens_participation_in_rythmic_gymnastics.pdf
--Kamberidou, I. (2008). Promoting a culture of peacemaking: Peace games and peace education. International Journal of Physical Education, 45, 176–188. promoting_a_culture_of_peacemaking_2008.pdf
-Kamperidou, I. (2008). Promoting a culture of peacemaking: peace games and peace education. International journal of physical education, (4), 176–187. Hofmann.Abstract promoting_a_culture_of_peacemaking_2008.pdf international_journal_of_physical_education_2008.pdf promoting_a_culture_of_peacemaking_2008.pdf
-Kamberidou, I. (2007). The Social Gender and Sport Identity: a Bio-socio-cultural Interpretation. In B. Kratzmuller, M. Marschik, R. Mullner, H. Szemethy, E. Trinkl (Eds.), Sport and the Construction of Identities (pp. 584-501). Vienna: Turia & Kan. In Sport and the Construction of Identities (pp. 584–591). Vienna: Verlag Turia & Kant, Wien, Austria.Abstract constructionofidentiessportidentitysocialgender2007.compressed.pdf
-Kamberidou, I., & Patsantaras, N. (2007). A new concept in European sport governance: sport as social capital. Biology of exercise, 3, 21–34. University of Peloponnese, Faculty of Human Movement and Quality of Life.Abstract sport_as_social_capital.pdf
-Kamberidou, I. (2006). The Social Gender and Sport Identity: Socio-Cultural Globalization. Presentation at the XIth International CESH Congress Sport and the Construction of Identities, 17-20 September 2006 ,Vienna Austria. In CESH Congress Sport and the Construction of Identities,Vienna. presented at the 18 September, Vienna, Austria: The European Committee for Sports History (CESH).Abstract sport_identity-powerpoint_22.11.2006.ppt
-Kamberidou, I., & Patsantaras, N. (2006). Towards a Gender-Neutral Inclusive Information Society. In Women and Science Seminar: Women in the Information Society, European Commission Information Society and Media Directorate-General, Brussels (pp. 1–11). European Commission Information Society and Media Directorate-General, Brussels Cordis: g/seminar20060405.htm.Abstract towards_a_gender-neutral_inclusive_infor.pdf
--Kamberidou, I., & Patsantaras, N. (2006). Social Capital and Gender Equity in Sports. Presentation at the International Conference on Social Capital and Sport Governance in Europe: Trust and the Use of Social Ties, 4-5/12/2006, Universitat. In International Conference on Social Capital and Sport Governance in Europe: Trust and the Use of Social Ties, 4-5/12/2006. presented at the 4 December, Milano, Italy: organized by the Universitat Commerciale Luigi Bocconi and IPAS-Institute of Public Administration and Health. Universitat Commerciale Luigi Bocconi and IPAS-Institute of Public Administration and Health Care Management ‘Carlo Masini’ in collaboration wit.Abstract social_capital_and_gender_equity_in_sports_2006.pdf
-Patsantaras, N., & Kamberidou, I. (2006). Gender Equity in Olympic Sports: Absenteeism and ‘Invisibility. Pandektis International Sports Law Review, 6(3-4), 361–375.Abstract internationalsportslawreview.genderequityinolymp.sports.compressed.pdf
-Kamberidou, I. (2006). Le Corps dans la Société Ottomane / the Body and Ottoman Society. MESOGEIOS: Mediterranee, Histoire, People, Langues, Cultures, 28, 13–29. Editions Herodotos, Paris.Abstract turkish_media_on_le_corps_dans_la_societe_ottomane-the_body_in_ottoman_society_2010.pdf the_body_and_ottoman_society.pdf